Forgiveness Affirmations: Daily Practice for Deep Healing (for Couples or Singles)

Cassandra McLean Pereira
3 min readJan 14, 2021

See the author’s IGTV for a reading of these statements and a brief discussion on the theme of forgiveness.

Below are the positive affirmation statements that my husband and I read to each other, out loud, every night before we go to bed.

I’m still working on understanding exactly why these words “I forgive you” are so incredibly powerful when spoken, and meant, and even more powerful when received and believed by someone who means them.

For now, all I know is that they work.

Greater positivity, optimism, trust, patience and hope — all these benefits have flowed to us continuously since starting this practice 2 weeks ago.

I strongly recommend, (especially since you’ve made it this far,) giving this daily practice a chance for 21 days.

You’ll be surprised by how deeply healing this practice really is.

Ph: Alvin Mahmudhov

If practicing in a couple, do look at each other while speaking.
If practicing as a single person, speak to yourself through a mirror.*

Affirmations for Self-Forgiveness

I, [your name], forgive myself for how I am, because I am an effect of many causes of my past and of the past of my ancestors. Even with the things that I want to change, I accept who I am now. I am not ashamed of myself because I am perfect now as I have to be. I forgive myself for the mistakes that I’ve made in the past because they teach me how to be a better person. And I am not ashamed of my mistakes because I am a human being, and making mistakes is what human beings do.

Affirmations for Forgiving An Other

[The other person’s name], I forgive you for how you are, because you are an effect of many causes of your past and of the past of your ancestors. Even with the things I don’t like about you, I accept you and how you are now. I don’t want you to live in shame for how you are, because you are perfect now as you have to be. I forgive the mistakes that you’ve made because they are necessary to for you learn how to be a better person. And I don’t want you to be ashamed of your mistakes because you are a human being, and making mistakes is what human beings do.

Additional Resources:
I Forgive & I Am Free” — a free 7 minute guided meditation to help you deepen this forgiveness practice.

Ph: Christiana Rivers

For future writing and discussions on the topics of forgiveness and self-healing, subscribe here on Medium or to my newsletter at

BONUS TIP: Take a video of yourself, looking directly into the camera lens as you say, “I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you.” Watching this can be profoundly helpful and healing.



Cassandra McLean Pereira

Writer on a spiritual journey sharing what I can to help others on their paths.