“I Give Myself Permission” (35 Positive Affirmations)

Cassandra McLean Pereira
2 min readDec 10, 2020

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image: @danny_lincoln via Unsplash

I Give Myself Permission…

I give myself permission
to do whatever I need to do
in this moment, to feel good.

I give myself permission to feel
whatever it is I need to feel.

I give myself permission
to breathe presence into this
time I take with myself,
to empower myself in
my ownership of my life.

I give myself permission to feel powerful.
I give myself permission to feel my power lifting up me
like a warm wind into new experiences of self and identity.
I give myself permission to fly higher than I’ve ever flown before.
I give myself permission to try harder than I’ve ever tried before.
I give myself permission to fail.
I give myself permission to succeed.

I give myself permission to be right where I am,
wherever I might be between those mythic, drifting poles.
I give myself permission to be unsure about what I’m doing here.
I give myself permission to be present in my reality right now.
This room. This body. This being.
I give myself permission to call it good.
I give myself permission to call myself worthy.
Yes, I am good, and I am worthy.

I give myself permission to still know who I am,
even when I’m lost and unsure.
I don’t look outside hoping someone else will find me.
I give myself permission to find myself,
to feel down deep and know who I am.
I give myself permission to trust who I am.
I give myself permission to trust in the unknowable value
of my unique purpose.
I give myself permission to be who I am.

I don’t look outside hoping someone else will give me permission.
I don’t need the permission of my mother.
I don’t need the permission of my father.
I don’t need the permission of any lover, or spouse, or sibling, or teacher.
I am an adult now, and I give myself permission.

I give myself permission to care less about their approval.
I give myself permission to make healthier choices.
I give myself permission to get up and dance!
I give myself permission to go in the direction that calls my true heart.
I give myself permission to go at my own pace.

I give myself permission to accept who I am.
I give myself permission to intentionally change the stories of who I am.
I give myself permission to let go of who I’ve been.
I give myself permission to become a new version of me.
I give myself permission to change.

Written and read by Cassandra Pereira.



Cassandra McLean Pereira

Writer on a spiritual journey sharing what I can to help others on their paths.